Hiring Writing Help: Why And How

Hiring Writing Help: Why And How

We've written about this once in a while in the past, but it's useful to go back to the drawing board and look again at why people seek us out for our services.


While you people use editors, ghostwriters and publishing assistants?


Here are a few of the reasons that stand out as you read testimonials and see why we have such a thoroughly satisfied customer base.


Self-Publishing Complexities


Many of the biggest self-publishing platforms have quite a lot of hoops for you to jump through.


New authors or e-book project managers find this out when they go to try to get started with some of these major digital retailers. It's not uncommon for them to get confused by all of the detailed aspects of registering, creating your book in a digital space, and translating it into something that the platform can publish at their vendor site. It takes work! And beyond that, it takes a lot of savvy about how a complex interface works, how to navigate it, and how to take note to make sure that you can do it right every time.


So that leads people to look around for capable assistants who can help them to make this process work well. Lots of people are just thoroughly intimidated by these processes. They just, for one reason or another, can’t do it. So they find someone who can.


Clean Copy


Not everybody is a wordsmith, and not everybody is trained in producing impeccable, crisp and clear copy.


But it's important, especially in the Internet age. There’s a high bar in terms of quality text on the Internet, where a surprising amount of content is still being delivered by text.

 If not, it's easy for web readers to get scared away thinking they're dealing with an inferior company or a fly-by-night operation.


So companies pay top dollar to get the kind of excellent and flawless copy they need for the web. They look for places that can provide that seamless, perfect copy that shows thought authority and professionalism.


24/7 Communication


As business partners, we’re also there all the time to help people with their projects.


This provides a lot of value to our customers who are often under pressure timewise, or have a lot of lofty goals to achieve in a pretty quick timeline.


There is a sense of reliability that people love about our services. There’s that feeling of having the help that you need to complete a project, instead of just struggling along forever, trying to finish something. Why not get a professional shop on your side, to make your writing projects all they can be?


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