Self-Publishing Companies You Should Think About Using

Finding hobbies that allow you to use your mind is important. If you consider yourself a creative person that has a knack for writing, then you should entertain the idea of writing your own book. Some amateur writers have the misconception that they have to be signed by a major publisher to get their book in the hands of consumers. While this was the truth a few decades ago, modern writers have access to tons of self-publishing platforms. 

On average, nearly 1.8 million new books are self-published every year. If you have a book that you want to get to the masses, now is the time to start exploring your self-publishing options. Below are some of the self-publishing platforms you should think about using. 

Apple Books is an Easy To Use Platform

One of the most popular technology brands on the planet is Apple. This well-known brand is involved in everything from music licensing to the manufacturing of personal electronic devices. Many people fail to realize that Apple also has a self-publishing platform. This Apple platform, known as iBooks, was launched in 2010. 

Publishing something on iBooks is free, but there is a flat-fee royalty of 70 percent. Apple has become a direct self-publishing competitor to Amazon over the past decade. In fact, iBooks is the second largest online retailer of eBooks in the world. If you are thinking of using the Apple platform to self-publish your book, be sure to consider things like:

  • Users won’t be able to read your book in their browser

  • You have to be a Mac user to publish on the Apple Store

  • Books on this platform are in ePub format

  • No exclusive distribution contracts

Visit Apple Support to find out more about the steps to take to become an Apple Author. 

Kindle Direct Publishing

Perhaps the most popular self-publishing platform on the market is Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Amazon represents over 40 percent of the self-publishing market in the United States. One of the main reasons authors choose to use KDP is due to the extensive reach that Amazon has. This platform also offers competitive royalty rates for authors. 

The one drawback to using KDP is the 90-day exclusive partnership requirements. If you agree to these requirements, your book will be sold exclusively on Amazon for 90 days. 

Many Authors Use Barnes & Noble Press

Advertised as a fast, free and easy-to-use self-publishing service, Barnes & Noble Press is extremely popular. For years, Barnes & Noble has been one of the top book retailers in the United States. Not only does this popular brand have tons of brick-and-mortar stores in the United States, they also have a premium eBook platform. 

The royalty rate on this self-publishing platform is between 40 percent and 65 percent. Using this platform will also limit the sale of your book to Barnes & Noble online and physical books stores. 

Now that you know more about the self-publishing platforms at your disposal, it is time to choose the one that best meets your needs. 


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